Euphoric Field is my personal fansite dedicated to the anime series Ef: A Tale of Memories and Ef: A Tale of Melodies.
Euphoric Field is a non-profit experimental fansite that aims to promote the Ef anime titles.
TITLE: everyday
DATE: Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Quite frankly, I don't care about depression. Nothing really happens when you just rot in one place. What good does rotting do? When I'm what you call depressed, down or lazy, I eat. I eat outside. What good does starving and dying do? What good does cutting do? Pain is pain. If people want to have the endorphin or adrenaline, a 10 minute walk would do fine. There's just a lot of errors that air on TV right now. Pain is cool, they say. It makes you strong, they say. And keeping everything bottled up is the right thing to do, since nobody really cares to listen to you. How did it come to this? Why do people believe such nonsense?
Food is good.
Indeed. Especially when it's food that you make.
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DATE: 3/27/2013
TITLE: another thurday
DATE: Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentine's day again. It's just a hype.

Don't feel too sad, Yuu-san.
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DATE: 2/14/2013
TITLE: nothing more
DATE: Friday, April 20, 2012
What would be the decisions that put me off? I guess it's simply deciding what to eat. Sometimes when you live by yourself, you don't really notice what you eat. It becomes a hassle what and where to eat. I'm too lazy to cook, see. So I just grab whatever I can before heading home. It gets boring eventually and my taste looks for something else. I guess it's not in me to have a special opinion about food. I just eat.
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DATE: 4/20/2012
TITLE: Yuu Himura
DATE: Thursday, March 1, 2012
Yuu Himura is the main character of ef: Tale of Melodies, part of which is dedicated to his past and his relationship with the previously unknown woman. In Tale of Memories, Yuu shares Chihiro's past and the story of her eyepatch to Renji. He cares about Chihiro and he doesn't want her to get hurt from a false friendship.

Yuu enjoys drawing, but he doesn't admit this fact. He is a quiet and thoughtful person during his later life, often not revealing the whole truth or deliberately being vague when questioned.
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DATE: 3/01/2012

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